The heart is one of the vital organs of our body. But often experience heart problems and heart disease that could be causing a heart attack. For example, if a person age increases, the risk of heart attack will increase. Approximately 55 percent of heart attacks occur in people aged over 65 years. Approximately 80 percent of the people who died of a heart attack aged 65 years or more. Generally, heart attack it caused by heart disease. Heart disease the most common is coronary heart disease.
Arteria coronary disease or coronary heart disease associated with a number of genetic factors, environmental, and lifestyle. Heart disease and heart attacks due to coronary arteria disease can be caused by the risks associated with one or more of these factors over the years, or tens of years.
Age factor can cause a person of heart disease. Another factor is the genetic factors. They who are their parents had heart attacks before the age of 50 years had a risk greater attack.
Other causes are factors that foods containing cholesterol becomes a risk factor for coronary heart disease, especially if too much LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol in the blood settles.
Here are tips on how to keep our heart healthy :
*Avoid Cigarettes*
The research says that people who smoke have a 2-fold chance of heart disease than people who do not smoke or passive smokers. When you stop smoking, this risk will gradually decline.
*Reduce Salt*
The salt can cause hypertension, which later can increase the risk of heart attack. To maintain health, more consumption of vegetables and fruits.
*Reduce Alcohol*
Alcohol consumption can damage cardiac muscle that could increase the occurrence of heart attack.
*Keep your Body Mass Index (BMI)*
With BMI or maintain your ideal weight you are reducing the heart's performance so that you become the more heart healthy.
*Routine Cholesterol Check*
People who have high cholesterol have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and diseases that affect blood circulation in the body. Therefore, cholesterol checkups regularly are very good for an indication of our heart health.
*Organized Sports*
The heart muscle consists of muscles and these muscles need exercise. One way is by doing exercise. The experts suggest regular exercise about 30 minutes each day to maintain your body's health.
*Try to Reduce Stress*
Constant stress can lead to heart disease. You can reduce stress in your own time, for example: physical activity / sport, a social worker, or working on other social activities.
If your blood pressure is high, you can decrease with exercise and eating foods that contain lots of fiber.
Arteria coronary disease or coronary heart disease associated with a number of genetic factors, environmental, and lifestyle. Heart disease and heart attacks due to coronary arteria disease can be caused by the risks associated with one or more of these factors over the years, or tens of years.
Age factor can cause a person of heart disease. Another factor is the genetic factors. They who are their parents had heart attacks before the age of 50 years had a risk greater attack.
Other causes are factors that foods containing cholesterol becomes a risk factor for coronary heart disease, especially if too much LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol in the blood settles.
Here are tips on how to keep our heart healthy :
*Avoid Cigarettes*
The research says that people who smoke have a 2-fold chance of heart disease than people who do not smoke or passive smokers. When you stop smoking, this risk will gradually decline.
*Reduce Salt*
The salt can cause hypertension, which later can increase the risk of heart attack. To maintain health, more consumption of vegetables and fruits.
*Reduce Alcohol*
Alcohol consumption can damage cardiac muscle that could increase the occurrence of heart attack.
*Keep your Body Mass Index (BMI)*
With BMI or maintain your ideal weight you are reducing the heart's performance so that you become the more heart healthy.
*Routine Cholesterol Check*
People who have high cholesterol have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and diseases that affect blood circulation in the body. Therefore, cholesterol checkups regularly are very good for an indication of our heart health.
*Organized Sports*
The heart muscle consists of muscles and these muscles need exercise. One way is by doing exercise. The experts suggest regular exercise about 30 minutes each day to maintain your body's health.
*Try to Reduce Stress*
Constant stress can lead to heart disease. You can reduce stress in your own time, for example: physical activity / sport, a social worker, or working on other social activities.
If your blood pressure is high, you can decrease with exercise and eating foods that contain lots of fiber.
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