Maintain Eye Health Tips

Monday, September 7, 2009

The eyes are one of the human body senses a very complex & function for vision. Although the function of human life is very important, but often less noticed, so many diseases that attack the eye are not treated properly & causing visual impairment to blindness.

Here are some tips on how to maintain eye health :

  1. Check regularly, some eye disorders did not cause pain and vision problems can occur gradually, so difficult to detect at an early stage. Therefore, regular eye examinations are recommended. If done early detection, treatment course much easier.
  2. If you work to frequently use a computer then you have to do is rest on your eyes every 10 minutes 2 hours we were in front of the monitor.
  3. Blink your eyes at least 20 times to moisten the eyeball.
  4. Once your eyes are tired of working so you can massage the eyes with a relaxing way to sit. Rub the palms of your hands until it feels warm. Then a second massage lightly your eyeballs at least 60 seconds.
  5. Save two tea bags in the refrigerator before you go to work. When you come home, use two tea bags to compress your eyes. In this way, besides aims to treat fatigue in the eye also to reduce the swelling that occurs.
  6. Use sunglasses equipped with UV protection and use brimmed hat that can protect the eyes from the sun.
  7. Change the focus of the eye every 10 minutes. Try to look to a distant point. You will feel the muscle movement in the tired eyes. If possible, walk to the window, and face-to-point distance.
  8. Close your eyes, then turn your eyes. Make sure you turn the eyes in two directions, clockwise and vice versa, each 5 time.
  9. If possible, or you have a chance, close your eyes and let your face rest.
  10. Keep your contact lens care
  11. Eat foods that contain vitamin A or green vegetables / orange, or take vitamin A if necessary.

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