Chocolate contains polyphenol in high enough quantities and can function as antioxidants. This phenolik compound can reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing oxidation and deposition of fatty compounds in blood in blood vessels and damage to low density lipoprotein lipid (grease evil).
Chocolate can inhibit oxidation of Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and improve immune function, thus preventing the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. Grease in chocolate, often called cocoa butter, mostly composed of saturated grease (60%), especially stearic. However, the Chocolate grease is a vegetable grease that didn't contain cholesterol. High content of stearic to chocolate allegedly the reason why chocolate grease is not as bad as animal grease. Have long been known that stearic is a neutral fatty acid that will not trigger blood cholesterol. Because, it turns out stearic digested slowly by the body and also absorbed less.
One third of grease found in chocolate is oleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. Oleic acid was also dominant in the olive oil. Epidemiological studies in a Mediterranean population consume a lot of oleic acid from olive oil oleic concluded positive effect on heart health.
In addition, University of California researchers, also found that flavan-3-OLS, compounds found in cocoa can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
So, now you do not have to worry about eating chocolate because of reasons such as, fear of fat or acne. However, besides the taste is sweet chocolate can be healthy too.
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