Tips and Tricks Dealing with Annoying Coworkers

Monday, September 13, 2010


Annoying coworkers? Ughh .. must really be very annoying. But, we as an employee who works in a team, like it or not, we will be faced with a coworker who has a different character. Including our coworker who didn't expected, which is very annoying. So, how should we behave in dealing with annoying coworkers? Here are tips and tricks for u:

Keeping distance
If indeed there are no urgent interests, should wherever possible avoid the annoying coworkers. In order to they don't make trouble with us.

Avoid direct conversation
If we are already working with a team of annoying coworkers, you should avoid direct conversation. You can use email or SMS to communicate. It is useful to avoid disputes directly, or at least can control our emotions, if in a written communication, their statement that there is less wear.

Good self-control
If the annoying coworkers are always looking for a problem with us. We recommend that you stay calm and keep control of your emotions. Don't be easily lured by their talk that can trigger emotions. If you are not able to hold on to it, you should just leave them.

Stay Cool

If you look distracted by an annoying co-worker because of their actions, then this will in turn make them happier and continue to disturb you. Therefore, don't bother and just let them babble at will. So, stay cool.

Positive Thinking
Looks like positive thinking is a last resort for us to face the annoying co-worker. Think simple of their speech and behavior are an effort to attract attention because they are a lonely man who had no friends effect their obnoxious attitude.

May we be wise in dealing with problems of life, including in dealing with annoying coworkers. And hopefully useful tips and tricks for you.

Warm Greetings
Tips and Tricks

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