Massage techniques that have been practiced for centuries it could relax your body and mind. Similarly, facial massage, will make blood circulation more smoothly, the stress of flying and even blush will look more beautiful and fresh. You can do yourself this facial massage technique. All you need is lotion and of course clean hands. Here are tips you can do:
-*- Clean the face with a freshener. Apply moisturizer all over face and neck with a sweeping gesture toward the top -*-
-*- Pinch the area slowly began to cheekbones to the jaw line (for the morning). Perform a circular motion with finger lines (for massages at night). Press for several seconds on the tense areas. Usually on the inner and outer corner of eye and base of the eyebrows -*-
-*- Clap three fingers across the face with a rhythm. Do start from the chin to move slowly to the jaw line and cheek towards the top to bottom eye. However, avoid the area around the eyes-*-
-*- Use two fingers to massage your forehead area. It began to limit eyebrow, until the hairline -*-
-*- Final touch is to put both hands together next to the nose and mouth, then rubbed palm across the whole face several times-*-
-*- Clean the face with a freshener. Apply moisturizer all over face and neck with a sweeping gesture toward the top -*-
-*- Pinch the area slowly began to cheekbones to the jaw line (for the morning). Perform a circular motion with finger lines (for massages at night). Press for several seconds on the tense areas. Usually on the inner and outer corner of eye and base of the eyebrows -*-
-*- Clap three fingers across the face with a rhythm. Do start from the chin to move slowly to the jaw line and cheek towards the top to bottom eye. However, avoid the area around the eyes-*-
-*- Use two fingers to massage your forehead area. It began to limit eyebrow, until the hairline -*-
-*- Final touch is to put both hands together next to the nose and mouth, then rubbed palm across the whole face several times-*-
Well, now you have a fresh face again.
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